Formlabs Form 3 printer and wash station

DigiFab has a new (refurbished) donated printer from Formlabs.

This came along with 2 build platforms, an (unexpected) parts washer, and 3-4 liters of both a basic SLA resin and the Castable-40 wax resin, that’s made for minimal-ash lost wax metal casting.

We will need to

Organize the resin printing area:

  • keep track of utilization to report back to FL monthly
  • inventory resins and in-process waste
  • for now, I think store the epax printer and hardware, decide in time whether to keep it
  • Do something nice for the donor


  • 2 (to start) resin tanks - one for each type of resin to print
  • IPA or Formlabs proprietary cleaning solution (we have some IPA in storage)
  • nitrile gloves in sizes for all users
  • add a ventilation hood for the area - use to be coordinated with laser cutting, which will take priority.

Not sure how much IPA is used in the Formlab wash bin but I have found several one gallon 99% IPA multi packs on Amazon. Also, if multiple shops are utilizing IPA, perhaps we could look into getting a drum or IBC tote for A2. I know that IPA is used in cleanup in Composite and occasional use in E&R and Casting. So far it seems that individual gallons are less expensive per ounce but take up more space. There’s also the concern of storage- ideally we should have an under desk fire cabinet but I believe that there is room in the cabinet in the Holton Loading Dock.